Updated June 15, 2021
INDOORS: It is required for visitors to wear a mask, especially in the Education Pavilion, because we have children on site through August. It is recommended for visitors to wear a mask in the Artist Pavilion. Masks are required for unvaccinated individuals in indoor public settings. Do not enter if you are sick or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. Wash your hands frequently. Restrooms are open to the public and hand sanitizer is available. No food or drink in the gallery.
OUTDOORS: For visitors who are vaccinated: You have a choice to remove your mask outdoors UNLESS there are children present.
Classes at Lux Art Institute
Adult Education: It is recommended for visitors to wear a mask. Masks are required for unvaccinated individuals in indoor public settings. Do not enter if you are sick or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. Wash your hands frequently.
Kids Education: When there are active classes with children (17 and under) at our facility, you must wear a mask at all times whether indoors and outdoors. Children must wear masks at all times.
Lux Art Institute is excited to reopen our physical campus and share our exciting new season of exhibitions and programming with all of you! We cannot wait for you to see our first two exhibitions of Season 14, A New Territory. Check out our current educational offerings HERE!
Lux strives to continue its mission by working diligently to take the proper steps to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and to protect the wellness of our employees, guests, and visitors, especially those that are most vulnerable. We thank you for your patience during our closure and for your support during these unprecedented times.
schedule your Free visit today!
*If you have concerns about accessibility you may park in one of the designated spots at the Artist Pavilion. If you have questions or concerns please contact our Visitor Experience Manager, Victor Sanchez, at [email protected] or (760) 436-6611.
Lux Art Institute has implemented the following procedures in order to ensure optimal safety:
• Health screening and contactless temperature taking of all staff entering the Education Pavilion.
• Classes are limited to 10 students or less.
• Parents will not be permitted to stay once a student has been checked-in.
• Cloth face coverings must be worn by staff and by students at all times.
• Physical distancing of 6 feet from other people, avoiding congregating in groups.
• Hand-washing and/or sanitizing with 60% alcohol solution often and frequently.
• All parents and students required to stay home if feeling sick.
• Cleaning of common surfaces in shared environments often and frequently.
• Students will have individual bins with supplies and tables for the entire session.
• No sharing of food or materials.
• Students will not be permitted to use drinking fountains.
• Students will be allowed to bring individual snacks and a bottle of water.
• Students will be seated outside under a tent with individual tables, hats and sunscreen is recommended.
Lux Art Institute has implemented the following procedures in order to ensure optimal safety:
• Lux Art Institute staff will be cleaning and sanitizing routinely before and after classes end.
• The Buildings and Grounds Team will be cleaning and disinfecting the door handles, bathrooms and high-traffic areas throughout the day.
• High-touch points and common areas will be labeled and disinfected multiple times throughout the day by the Lux staff.
Adhering to the following guidelines for schools and child care facilities: