

Julian Kreimer


Saturday, January 24, 2015 through
Saturday, February 21, 2015


Saturday, January 24, 2015 through
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Julian Kreimer

Julian Kreimer is one of only a few artists to freely include both mimetic and non-objective paintings in his exhibitions. Landscapes and abstractions seamlessly relate as he explores the terrain between the two. Lush color combinations applied in quick, fluid strokes are built into dense layers to create windows into Kreimer’s environments, both recognizable and contemplative.
While in residence, Kreimer will deepen his explorations in observational painting and color relationships as he completes a painting a day, working some paintings into landscapes, and others into abstractions. He will spend the weekdays painting outside throughout the Lux grounds, and will be in the studio during open hours to refine each painting daily.
For the past decade, Kreimer has been rhythmically making paintings from observation while also, at first in secrecy, painting abstractions. Lux will exhibit both types of paintings, which may immediately seem vastly different in content, but when seen together relate like cousins.
Kreimer is constantly influenced and inspired by his surrounding environment, and these landscapes often stop him in his tracks and find their way into paintings. Negative space connects both Kreimer’s abstractions and landscapes, whether it’s the squares formed in a chain-linked fence, or previous paintings only barely visible through newly applied layers in the abstractions.

Julian Kreimer works as an assistant professor of painting and theory at SUNY Purchase College and is a frequent contributor to Art in America. His artwork has been exhibited in multiple shows around New York City, as well as in Charlottesville, Virginia, London, Washington, D.C., Providence, Santa Barbara, Boston, Philadelphia, and Newark.

Julian Kreimer’s artwork has been exhibited in multiple shows around New York City, as well as in Charlottesville, Virginia, London, Washington, D.C., Providence, Santa Barbara, Boston, Philadelphia, and Newark. He currently teaches painting at SUNY.